A digital watermark means embedding a set of bits in a file. In our case an image, but in general it could be a video, text or audio file.
Here we have an image of Tooti,
What Tooti doesn’t know is that there is a beagle dog hiding somewhere… after a simple reconstruction process, we find George watermark in the image.
So, how is it done?
There are a many different ways to create watermarks in images, one of them works in the image spatial domain, where the images are seperated into bits planes and a new image is reconstructed by a combination of bit planes from the main image and from the watermark image.
Our watermark image,
The bit depth of an image is the number of bits used to indicate the value of a pixel. In MATLAB, logical is a depth of one bit, uint8 is bit depth between 2-8, and uint16 for higher bit depths. Breaking our images to bits-planes, using bitget function:
for i=1:8A{i}=bitget(image,i)*2^(i-1);M{i}=bitget(Mimage,i)*2^(i-1);end
The highest 4 out of 8 bit-planes for each image:
And for the watermark image:
As you can see, almost all of the important visable data is stored in those planes. For creating our new image, the above bit-planes are combined to create one image, where the highest three bit-planes of the watermark will replace the lower three planes of the original image.
and this is our final image (it is the first image that is shown in this post).
A reverse process to extract our message,
for i=1:8N{i}=bitget(NewImage,i)*2^(i-1);end
this is the hidden watermark,
WaterMark=N{1} * 2^7 + N{2} * 2^6 + N{3} * 2^5;